Shame Response and Food Pedagogy: The World Created by the Text
Unpublished Thesis
In order to approach study participants on their own terms, this thesis conducted five semi-structured interviews to study food pedagogy and the world created by the text and found that when women define what cooking should be for themselves, that rhetoric has the potential to create a positive shame responose.
Book Review Making Matters: Craft, Ethics and New Materialist Rhetorics
Computers and Composition Online
A review of Leigh Gruwell’s book on new materialists rhetorics outlining her theory on agents, agency and assemblages. The final reccomendations include implications for this research and a forward look at how it might be impacted by AI such as Chat GPT.
Exposing Assemblages: Unlikely Communities of Digital Scholarship, Video, and Social Networks.
Landmark Essays Podcast
This podcast summarizes Alex Reid’s pivotal article on new materialist rhetoric and the power of assemblages.